Project #:


Project Type:

Safe Drinking Water Supply

Project Date:


The People of

Vaudreuil, Lavoute


are thankful for the generous support of

Ruth and Les Babcock

(Bow Island, AB)

Ron and Marilyn Shannon

(Foothills, AB)

Nicky Tu Personal Real Estate Corporation

(Burnaby, BC)

Jocelyn Aubrey

(Fraserville, ON)
for helping supply safe water to their community

Latitude: 19.72068, Longitude: -72.25251
open map

A message from the community

Vaudreuil, Lavout Thursday 19 December 2024 Dear Donor, On the behalf of the entire community of Vaudreuil , Lavout , please accept our heartfelt thanks for your generous support in funding the construction of a new well before your kindness, access to clean water was a struggle, women and children spent hours collecting water form distant often contaminated source, water related diseases were a constant threat, thanks to your compassion we have access to potable water and kids can spend more time in school, we are healthier and stronger as community, your gift has brought a life saving relief. We are forever grateful to your generosity. The Vaudreuil , Lavout community

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Around 1500 people will use this well. Previously many community members would have to buy water.

Well Details

Well Depth: 100 ft. Turbidity:
Depth of Water: 10.00 ft. Water Colour:
Well Yield: 5.00 gpm Water Odour:
Screen Length: 10.00 ft. Taste: Good
Casing Diameter: 0.00 in. Nitrate:
Handpump: Afridev Iron:
Developed By: Electric Pump pH:
Development Time: 8.00 hrs. Bacti Test:

Preparing for drilling

Preparing for drilling

Well installed

Well installed

Well in progress

Well in progress

Party time!

Party time!

For just over $1 you can provide a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1, Canada
+1 807-622-4848
BN: 885420737RR0001

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