Hard Data


We offer a variety of performance metrics to show how and where your donations are being invested -- and the results they are achieving.


ANNUAL Impact Report:

Fiscal 2024 (to June 30, 2024) Projects Human Impact
New Wells 421 227,117
Hand Pump Repairs 4,367 1,630,539
Dormant Well Rehabilitations 324   141,497
Community Toilets   23     3,329
Rainwater Harvesting/Storage Systems 3   250
Community Hand-Washing Stations 26   3,579
Health and Hygiene Workshops* 1,253        234,275
Total 6,441 2,240,586

* Some Health & Hygiene Workshops are logged as stand-alone projects; others occur as part of one or more of the projects listed above. In total, we offered 995 H&H workshops in fiscal 2023, benefiting a combined 157,309 children and adults.

Before-and-after research at project sites revealed these impacts in fiscal 2024:

  • An average of 433 people were benefiting from each water project
  • 638,629 hours were saved EACH DAY by children and adults (85.7 minutes per household) no longer needing to walk long distances for water
  • 3,677,007 additional HOURS EACH MONTH that children were in school rather than fetching water
  • 459,626 additional DAYS EACH MONTH that GIRLS were in school rather than fetching water 
  • $11,326,524 in total monthly economic impact from families no longer needing to buy water (estimated average water purchases per household multiplied by total households)
  • a $5.34 economic return for each $1.00 invested by a donor (value of hours saved from walking to fetch water that can be applied to earning income, of hours saved that can be applied to attending school, of household savings from no longer buying water, etc.)


CUMULATIVE Impact Report:

1995 to the end of the most recent month  Projects  Human Impact
New Wells 2,803    1,576,162 
Hand Pump Repairs 11,225  5,144,797
Dormant Well Rehabilitations    1,515     701,703
Community Toilets    193       85,706
Rainwater Harvesting/Storage systems        446     147,057
Community Hand-Washing Stations         423       112,904
Health and Hygiene Workshops *  *
Total       16,605  7,768,329

*Only some Health & Hygiene Workshops are logged as stand-alone projects; some occur as part of one or more of the projects listed above. We did not log H&H workshops during the early years of Lifewater so we are unable to provide an accurate cumulative count for workshops or beneficiaries throughout Lifewater's history.



July 1, 2024 to the end of the most recent month  Projects  Human Impact
New Wells    
Hand Pump Repairs    
Dormant Well Rehabilitations    
Community Toilets    
Rainwater Harvesting/Storage systems    
Community Hand-Washing Stations    
Health and Hygiene Workshops*    

*Only some of the Health & Hygiene Workshops are logged as stand-alone projects; others occur as part of one or more of the projects listed above..

Before-and-after research at project sites revealed these impacts so far in fiscal 2024:

  • An average of XXX people are benefiting from each water project
  • XXX,XXX hours were saved EACH DAY by children and adults no longer needing to walk long distances for water
  • X,XXX,XXX additional HOURS EACH MONTH that children were in school rather than fetching water
  • XXX,XXX additional DAYS EACH MONTH that GIRLS were in school rather than fetching water 
  • $XX,XXX,XXX in total monthly economic impact from families no longer needing to buy water (estimated average water purchases per household multiplied by total households)
  • a $X.XX economic return for each $1.00 invested by a donor (value of hours saved from walking to fetch water that can be applied to earning income, of hours saved that can be applied to attending school, of household savings from no longer buying water, etc.)


Here are some "impact graphs" (last updated July 5, 2024):


Social Impact Graph 1.JPG 111 KB


Social Impact Graph 2.JPG 110 KB


Social Impact Graph 3.JPG 88 KB


Social Impact Graph 4.JPG 70 KB


Social Impact Graph 5.JPG 58 KB


Social Impact Graph 6.JPG 114 KB




Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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