Human Impact Stories

There are real people benefiting every day from the safe, accessible water our donors provide. Here are some of their stories. Click on each headline below for details.


Empowering Kenyan women to drill for safe water in their homeland


Community's hand-dug well an invitation to sometimes deadly parasites


Imagine walking for water -- and risking being kidnapped -- every day.


Catchment and storage systems capitalize on Africa's rain seasons


Despite an existing water well, these Haitian students were constantly thirsty


Disabled woman thankful for rainwater harvesting/storage system


Hosea Apeh suffered many setbacks in his efforts to establish our partner, Lifewater Nigeria


Buying drinking water drains Haitian and African communities' resources


Little schoolchildren sometimes forced to drink from ditches


Well caretaker's death sparks crisis


Like Nehemiah – building with one hand and guarding with the other


Before and after in a Nigerian village


Risking danger -- and humiliation -- to gather water


Drilling team leader experiences water shortage first-hand


Villagers forced to drink rust-tainted water


School needed functioning well to protect students against COVID-19


Meet Yohanna, a Lifewater Well Caretaker


The Nigerian community relied on a dangerous, brown-colored creek


Community's surroundings both a benefit and a burden


Wells an incentive to settle community differences


Canadian donor visits Lifewater projects in Kenya


Dirty water sending Nigerian schoolchildren to hospital


School principal in Kenya writes to us -- and our donors!


You can dramatically improve people's lives -- sometimes in only 90 minutes!


Repaired hand pump "a gift of love to friends in Jesus' name"


African community had river, several wells, but no safe water


Lifewater's hand-powered pumps a welcome alternative to electrical versions


Lifewater donors provide safe water to meet Muslim community's urgent needs


Failing wells leave villagers desperate for water


Lifewater’s well-drilling and “maintenance culture” applauded


Repair well brings safe water – and sound sleep!


Liberian town mourns children who died from bad water


For just over $1 you can provide a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1, Canada
+1 807-622-4848
BN: 885420737RR0001

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