Completed Safe Drinking Water Supply
Completed Community Washroom
Completed Equipment Training and Support Services
Completed Health and Hygiene Training Program
Completed Pump Repair Project
Completed Pump Replacement Projects

Three Valuable Partnerships


Kenya's rural areas and slums lack safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. In response, Lifewater has formed valuable partnerships with three organizations:

1) The Lifewater Kenya

2) Lifewater Rescue Kenya



Together, through funding supplied by Lifewater Canada and our generous donors, these organizations are busily:

  • Drilling new water wells
  • Rehabilitating broken-down wells
  • Repairing hand-powered pumps
  • Installing rainwater harvesting and storage systems
  • Constructing community toilets and hand-washing stations
  • Conducting health and hygiene workshops


The Lifewater Kenya team


This is our original team in Kenya, centrally located in the Nakuru area. Its founder, David Maina, is gradually transitioning his leadership responsibilities to other senior members of the team. They are passing along their valuable knowledge to the newer teams in Kenya. For example, they helped the Lifewater Community Kenya team assemble their new Lifewater-supplied drilling rig, and they trained the Stada team to repair broken hand pumps. 


We are very thankful for our long relationship with David and his team, and for their efforts to ensure all three teams in Kenya succeed. "This is not Lifewater Nakuru," David says. "This is Lifewater Kenya. I will do whatever I can to see water flow everywhere in my country."


   David_Maina.jpg 15 KB Pastor David W. Maina - Program Director

David trained with Kenya's Ministry of Water Development as a Water Supply Inspector and has a Building and Civil Engineering diploma. He is also Pastor of the Africa Island Church in Nakuruview and leads a community development program that includes the Clinic for Mother Child Health (MCH); home-based care for people living with HIV/AIDS; a voluntary HIV/AIDS counselling and testing program, and a children's outreach ministry.

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Charity Mahugu - Administrative Assistant

Charity plays an essential role in supporting David and the rest of The Lifewater Kenya leadership team.


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Dorcas Wainaina - Program Officer

Dorcas helps administer Lifewater’s water projects in Kenya. She is a social worker with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and Masters degree in Project Planning and Management, from the University of Nairobi. She also has diplomas in Project Management and Information Technology, plus other professional training. Dorcas is a strongly committed member of Africa Inland Church and its ministry efforts.



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Sammy Wainaina - Liaison Officer

Sammy serves as a liaison between The Lifewater Kenya organization and the Kenyan government to ensure the organization is meeting all its requirements to the government. He also helps administer Lifewater projects. Sammy has a Bachelor of Business Information Technology degree from Kenya Methodist University, plus other professional training.



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 Antony Makau - Driller

Antony has been part of Lifewater Kenya since its conception. He is a lead drilling technician, working with the LS 100 drilling rig.


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Patrick Onyango - Driller and Welder

Patrick is a lead drilling technician, working with the LS 100 drilling rig, and a welding specialist.

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James Mbugua - Mason 

James' masonry skills play an important part in every new water well, including the concrete pad surrounding each hand pump that protects the well against ground contamination.


The Lifewater Rescue Kenya team

This team focuses on drilling wells in remote areas, including at many schools. With a new, agile truck-mounted drilling rig, team members are able to provide safe water in areas of Kitui County where no other rig has been able to access. 


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Catherine Achieng - Project Coordinator

Catherine provides overall leadership and logistical support for the team's drilling projects, and documents each one after the hand pump installation is completed. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Broadcast Media from the Multimedia University of Kenya, and says: "I do what I do with Lifewater because I believe our people deserve better. It is our hope that we can work with the communities to improve their lives by providing easy access to clean and safe water. We love what we do, we love how we do it, and we are grateful for all the support we get."

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Larry Oyuga, Driller

Larry has successfully completed a diploma program in Community Development at Maseno University in Kenya.

Kenya Community Team - Eric Kalonzo Ngina.png 263 KB Eric Kalonzo Ngina, Driller and Driver
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Kenya Community Team - Julias Kyendi.png 263 KB Julias Kyendi, Driller and Driver


The STADA team

STADA is an abbreviation for "Stawisha Dada" which in Swahili means "thrive sister." The organization was formed to address the inequalities that Kenyan women and girls face in health care and education. The youthful STADA team partnered with Lifewater Canada to provide health and hygiene training at all the schools where the Lifewater Community Kenya team is installing rainwater harvesting and storage systems.


Since then, thanks to the training and equipment we provided, the STADA team has begun drilling new water wells and repairing broken hand pumps on older wells. STADA has also started a sewing industry for teen mothers who produce reusable sanitary pads that are distributed at the health and hygiene workshops to ensure that menstrual periods do not stop girls from attending school and continuing their education.


Stada - Patricia Nudi - Founder and CEO.jpg 118 KB Patricia Nudi, Executive Director
Stada - Maureen Achieng - Resource Mobilization Officer.jpg 87 KB Maureen Achieng, Resource Mobilization and Business Manager
Stada - Terry Abura - Finance and Administration Officer.jpg 33 KB Terry Abura, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project Officer
Stada - William Mandela - Technical Officer.jpg 145 KB Willberforce Mandela - Technical Lead
Stada - Christine Akello - Administration Officer.jpg 62 KB Christine Akello - Office Administrator


Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






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