Sharing knowledge

We post all our technical information, and that of many other organizations, online to help as many people as possible in the developing world gain access to safe water.Technical Links We grant permission for documents authored by Lifewater Canada to be reproduced and distributed in small quantities for non-commercial purposes. Please cite Lifewater Canada ( as the source.


Important in-house documents:

Other Topics:

  • Hand Pumps: Choose, install, and maintain the public domain pumps: Afridev, India Mark II, and Bush Pump; we also offer links to other hand pumps, solar pumps, and hydraulic ram pumps, as well as interesting articles about hand pump use
  • Well Drilling: Read about the LS100, LS200, and other drill rigs and drilling techniques suitable for overseas use
  • Sanitation: Review articles about ventilated improved pit latrines and community-led sanitation
  • Health and Hygiene: Learn about the value of combining safe water with improved sanitation and hygiene
  • Other Water-Related Links: We offer information about digging wells, capping springs, collecting rainwater (or fog!) and water quality testing and treatment
  • Other Water-Related Organizations: Explore links to other overseas water-focused organizations, interesting water websites, environmental and development sites, plus corporate and educational sites
  • Liberia-Related Organizations: Some important websites.

Our listing of various government, corporate, and other websites does not imply an endorsement.


Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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