Safe Drinking Water Supply
Latitude: -0.86576, Longitude: 38.0786
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We, the people of Gondini community, we write to express our deeply heartfelt gratitude to Lifewater Canada and Lifewater RESCUE Kenya for enabling us to have access to clean water by drilling a well in our borehole. We also thank you for making the well’s water easily accessible to us all by installing a hand pump. Your thoughtful service has promised us continuous flow of clean water. May God bless you all so much. ---Community Leaders
A new well in Gondini community in Mwingi region is the only source of clean water in the community, after a long time of not being able to access clean water. The community would access water from a shallow well in a riverbed. The villagers also suffered from waterborne diseases that they most probably caught from drinking from the shallow wells. However, the villagers are happy that their new well has solved the effects of drinking from unsafe sources. The new well that was drilled and equipped by Lifewater Canada and Lifewater RESCUE Kenya is now supplying clean and safe drinking water to everyone in Gondini community.
Well Depth: | 234 ft. | Turbidity: | Clear |
Depth of Water: | 52.00 ft. | Water Colour: | Clear |
Well Yield: | 5.00 gpm | Water Odour: | None |
Screen Length: | 0.00 ft. | Taste: | Good |
Casing Diameter: | 4.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Afridev | Iron: | |
Developed By: | Other | pH: | |
Development Time: | 4.00 hrs. | Bacti Test: | Negative |
Disinfection: | 24.00 hrs. |