Safe Drinking Water Supply
Latitude: 6.90208289, Longitude: -10.2068352
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We write to thank you for our new well and the installation of a new well. We are grateful to have access to clean and safe water from our village well. Thank you so much for taking care of our need for clean water. May God bless you. ---Community Leaders
The people of Yarbayai village were unable to access clean and safe drinking and washing water for a long time, because they did not have access to clean and safe drinking water. However, Lifewater Canada and Lifewater Liberia partnered to drill a new well in Yarbayai village, and installed a hand powered pump, giving the residents of Yarbayai village easy access to clean and safe drinking water.
Well Depth: | 80 ft. | Turbidity: | Clear |
Depth of Water: | 25.00 ft. | Water Colour: | Clear |
Well Yield: | 5.00 gpm | Water Odour: | None |
Screen Length: | 15.00 ft. | Taste: | Good |
Casing Diameter: | 4.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Afridev | Iron: | |
Developed By: | Other | pH: | |
Development Time: | 3.00 hrs. | Bacti Test: | Negative |
Disinfection: | 24.00 hrs. |