Safe Drinking Water Supply
Latitude: 6.37162849, Longitude: -10.608219
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We thank you for bringing a new well to Blacktom town community, so that all of us, especially our children, have access to clean and safe drinking water. We thank you deeply for your grace, love and support. May God bless Lifewater Canada and all the partners. ---Community Leaders
A nearby shallow well was the only source of water for the people of Blacktom town community in Liberia's Montserrado county. Even though the community would harvest rainwater for drinking purposes when it rained, they'd exhaust the harvested water as soon as it stopped raining, then everyone would turn back to the shallow well. But then Lifewater Canada worked with Lifewater Liberia to drill a new well for the community and installed a new hand pump. Thanks to Lifewater Canada donors, the people of Blacktom town now have access to a constant flow of clean and safe water.
Well Depth: | 150 ft. | Turbidity: | Clear |
Depth of Water: | 20.00 ft. | Water Colour: | Clear |
Well Yield: | 10.00 gpm | Water Odour: | None |
Screen Length: | 15.00 ft. | Taste: | Good |
Casing Diameter: | 4.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Afridev | Iron: | |
Developed By: | Other | pH: | |
Development Time: | 0.50 hrs. | Bacti Test: | Negative |
Disinfection: | 24.00 hrs. |