Safe Drinking Water Supply
Latitude: 19.66558, Longitude: -72.31736
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Thursday 23 January 2025 Acul du Nord, Zone la soudré Dear Donor, We wish to say thank you for your incredible generosity toward helping to build a new well in our community. Before this we were suffering due to the absence of clean water in our community and often the well in the community was not enough for all of us , as we were hit by a massive wave of migration due the insecurity in the capital , so a lot of us had to walk long distances for water er were tired and could not keep with this train of life , our children were also missing school due to disease . Your gift has changed the life of many people our quality of life has skyrocketed the new well provides water for everyone, disease have decreased, keep up the work you are doing especially I the north because the demand is so high because of this migration. Thank you once again for making a difference in our life. The Community of Acul du Nord, Zone la soudré
Around 500 people will use this well. One community member says previously they would make two trips per day for water, taking 45 minutes each. As well as supplementing with 600 Gourdes of purchased water per week.
Well Depth: | 120 ft. | Turbidity: | |
Depth of Water: | 0.00 ft. | Water Colour: | |
Well Yield: | Water Odour: | ||
Screen Length: | 20.00 ft. | Taste: | Good |
Casing Diameter: | 0.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Afridev | Iron: | |
Developed By: | Electric Pump | pH: | |
Development Time: | 12.00 hrs. | Bacti Test: | |
Disinfection: | 24.00 hrs. |