The 3 - wheeled motorbike

The 3 - wheeled motorbike

Stada's team member posing for a picture a long side the new vehicle

Stada's team member posing for a picture a long side the new vehicle

Stada Kenya team during the motorbike's dedication prayer

Stada Kenya team during the motorbike's dedication prayer

The motorbike has improved the NGO's  operations

The motorbike has improved the NGO's operations

The drill team in Kenya thank
Jeremy Francispillai (Stittsville, ON)

For building their capacity with Stada Kenya's 3 - wheeled motorbike
Latitude: -0.15408 Longitude: 34.81237
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A message from the community

We the STADA fraternity offer our outmost gratitude to Lifewater Canada for the provision of the three-wheeled motorbike to our office. Through the provision of the special motorbike, you have shown faith in us and we promise to reciprocate by delivering. The motorbike will ease our day-to-day operations at STADA and enable us achieve our goals of serving the community diligently.

  -- STADA Kenya 

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Stawisha Dada or STADA Kenya is a non-governmental organization in Kisumu County that Lifewater Canada partners with to provide health and hygiene education and complete water projects in needy communities. Officially started in 2020, STADA serves villages in isolated rural areas of Kisumu County. Its 26 employees are carrying out a growing variety of water-related activities with Lifewater support, and need vehicles to transport staff and equipment to various project sites.

Therefore, Lifewater funded the purchase of a very versatile and agile three-wheeled motorbike with lots of carrying capacity to reach into even the most remote communities that need potentially life-saving water and health and hygiene education.



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457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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