Students at Stada Center
Students at Stada Center
Old latrine
Old latrine
New Latrine
New Latrine
The latrine serves over 200 people daily
The latrine serves over 200 people daily
Class in progress
Class in progress
The People of Stada Center, Kenya, thank
Advicetap Digital Inc (Vancouver, BC)

For helping them build a community washroom
Latitude: -0.1545 Longitude: 34.812
Open map

A message from the community

We thank you so much for the latrines for our students at Stada Center. We are happy that they are more abled to improve their hygiene standards and enjoy learning in a clean environment. We are all grateful for the support.

---Stada Kenya Leaders

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

STADA centre is based in Nyando sub-county Kisumu, Kobura ward in Alendu. The facility was started in 2022 as a community library to help reverse the negative illiteracy trend in the community, it later grew into an adolescent and teen mother centre.

The centre hosts 7 volunteers, an average of 200 pupils per day, 25 teen mothers 3 times a weeks and hundreds adolescent girls and boys during school holidays.

Previously, the centre had only one toilet which was always overstretched. Children were also defecating in the open occasionally.

Thanks to Lifewater Canada, the centre now has a 4 door latrine. This will go a long way in improving the sanitation status of the centre and improve the health outcomes of all its beneficiaries.








Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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