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The People of Puluko Catholic Church, Nigeria, thank
Estate of Elizabeth Bergin (Kanada, ON)

For helping them build a community washroom
Latitude: 9.47466 Longitude: 6.98377
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A message from the community

We, the members of Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, wish to write and appreciate Lifewater Canada/Nigeria for the construction of toilet for us, we say a big thank you. May Almighty God continue to bless and reward you abundantly.  

Yours faithfully, 

Yohanna Jumma

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

I am Angela Fada, and I am grateful to God for the great and marvelous things he has done for us through Lifewater. My joy today is that we will no longer go into the bush before we can defecate or pee, as we now have a well-built toilet. Every time we need to urinate or faeces, we run into the bush at the risk of losing our lives because snakes and other dangerous reptiles frequently attack us. Thank you so much to everyone who made this a reality for us to enjoy. May God bless you all; may the hand that gives never lack. 

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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