The People of Assemblies of God Church, Gauta, Nigeria, thank
Anonymous donor

For helping them build a community washroom
Latitude: 8.80884 Longitude: 7.87585
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A message from the community

The entire membership of our church thanks Lifewater for building toilets for us. They will go a long way to help the church and the public. We now have a water-system toilet in the church. There is no more need for our people to go into the bush or to use the pit toilet. We remain eternally grateful to your organization for this provision. We say thanks and God bless you. 

---Reverend Dan Livinus Owalum

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

“My name is Reverend Dan Livinus Owalum from the Assembly of God Church in Gauta. For many years, my community has struggled with a lack of proper toilets. This has led to many people, including adults and children, practicing open defecation, which can cause disease. Thankfully, Lifewater came to our community and constructed a water-system toilet. This toilet will serve us for many years to come and help us to stop practicing open defecation and start using proper toilets.

"I want to express my sincere gratitude to Lifewater for your sacrificial work on our behalf. You have done this at no cost to us, and we are truly grateful. May God bless you and provide for you. Thank you.” 

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






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Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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