The People of Junior Secondary School, Paikon Kore, Nigeria, thank
The Clint Brooks Family Foundation (Calgary, AB)

For helping them build a community washroom
Latitude: 8.99257 Longitude: 7.0273
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A message from the community


I, the Principal of Junior Secondary School Paikon-Kore write to extend our sincere appreciation for the immeasurable support provided to us by Lifewater Canada and Lifewater Nigeria in the building and completion of two essential toilet facilities in our school.

Thanks to your generous initiative, our school environment remains clean and hygienic, as these facilities are now readily available for the students to utilize. This outstanding contribution has significantly enhanced the overall wellbeing and educational experience of our students.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication to the improvement of our school’s facilities, and we hope that the good will of Lifewater Nigeria will continue to bring positive change to our community. May the blessings of the Almighty be with you.



Yours Faithfully, 

Baba Samailia 




Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

My name is Mohammed Shuaibu, and I am here to bless the name of the Lord for bringing us to this day of commissioning this wonderful toilet project by Lifewater Nigeria Canada. The building of this toilet will reduce the rate at which students practice open defecation within the school environment, and it will also save them from further possible attacks from reptiles in the bush. This project is going to be of great help to the school and its students, and it will also improve the health of the students. I am grateful and really appreciate Lifewater Nigeria Canada. May Almighty God keep blessing them to do more and more of this kind of project. Thank you very much. 

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






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Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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