Lifewater driller being taught how to service the new pump
Lifewater driller being taught how to service the new pump
Kids enjoying the stream of safe drinking water!
Kids enjoying the stream of safe drinking water!
Wiring up the Development pumps
Wiring up the Development pumps
Lead driller Yogi developing a well with one of the Grundfos Pumps
Lead driller Yogi developing a well with one of the Grundfos Pumps
Kids trying to look down the well to see how the hose was filling without a handpump!
Kids trying to look down the well to see how the hose was filling without a handpump!
The drill team in Liberia thank
Edwin & Sasha Makkinga (Calgary, AB)
Gilles & Tammie, & Genevieve Patenaude (Marshall, SK)
Olaf & Rose Gundersen (Sexsmith, AB)

For building their capacity with 11 Well Development Grundfos Submersible Pumps

A message from the community

Dear Sir/Madame,

How delighted we were to receive the shipment of new development pumps! The main problem in our country is pumps are down, sitting spoiled for long periods of time. And one of the main reasons is that the pumps break soon after repair because the wells were never properly cleaned after drilling.

The process of getting the well water clear and ready for the instillation of the Handpump is vital to the life of the well. Without proper development, the well will constantly have problems. The dirt in the water scratches the inside of the brass cylinder, causing the cup leathers to prematurely wear-out forever!

These new pumps are an answer to prayer for us. Each team that goes out makes use of these, alternating the well development with surge bailing by hand with the help of the villagers with the electric pump.  The end result is clear, safe water for everyone to enjoy.

And when we are servicing a large school, clinic or orphange, we now have several pumps on-hand to install in their well to fill the large water tanks needed to serve those facilities.

Please accept our thanks and heartfelt appreciation for your generous gifts. They will keep countless cups of cold water flowing to tens of thousands, bringing health and hope for years to come!

Rev Stephen Varfee

Program Coordinator

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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