Pump Repair completed
Pump Repair completed
Repair underway
Repair underway
Repairing Village pump
Repairing Village pump
Well back in full production
Well back in full production
The People of Haiti thank
The Hageman Family Foundation (Burlington, ON)

For helping them repair dozens of broken pumps
during the month of Sept 2023 #3

A message from the community

Dear Sir/Madame

The 21 Villages who received your help this part of Sept all send their greetings and appreciation for the work that our pump repair team were able to do.  

It's really hot here and water is Life.  The repaired pumps have been a breath of life to everyone and words are not enough to express the joy we felt when the team came to all these villages.

May God bless all who helped.

Hanania Orelus

Program Coordinator

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Date   Area              Village            Pump    GPS N     GPS W   El    Parts used, changed
06-Sep Acul du Nord Barriere Blanche Afridev 19.69487 72.32044 3m 1 Gasket,4 Sentraliseur
07-Sep Balan           Glaudine            Afridev  19.72268 72.28412 3m 2 PVC,1 Gasket,5 Sentraliser
07-Sep Balan                                   Afridev   19.72062 72.30217 4m Gasket,2 PVC,3 Sentraliser
07-Sep Balan           Larue                Afridev   19.72147 72.29141 3m 1 Gasket,2 Axes,2 PVC
07-Sep Balan           Glaudine           Afridev   19.72448 72            5m 2 Sentraliser,1 Gasket,2 Raccor
07-Sep Balan           Morpion            Afridev   19.72814 72.30453  4m 1 Gasket,1 PVC
07-Sep Balan           Mon Voisin        Afridev   19.73244 72.30164  3m 1 Gasket,2 Sentraliser
08-Sep Balan           Mawo               Afridev   19.72739 72.31192  3m 1 Gasket,3 Sentraliser,1 Raccor
08-Sep Balan           Mawo               Afridev   19.72799 72.30848  4m Gasket
11-Sep Haut du Cap  Breda II           MarkII   19.72442 72.23245   4m 4 Raccor,2 old PVC,2 Rods,old Chaine
11-Sep Plaine du Nord Bas Galoire     Afridev  19.66705 72.26931  2m 3 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,2 Bobing
13-Sep Cap-Haitien   Ruel Patience    Afridev  19.72997 72.22268  3m 4 PVC,4 Rods,4 Sentraliser
13-Sep Vaudreuil      St.Font              Afridev  19.72254 72.25035  2m 4 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,1 Bobing
13-Sep Morne-Rouge Bas Buclere       Afridev 19.70518 72.26878 3m 4 Sentraliser,4 Bearings, Gasket
13-Sep Morne-Rouge  Buclere II         Afridev 19.70519 72.26875 3m Gasket
13-Sep Morne-Rouge Buclere II          Afridev 19.70668 72.26913 2m Gasket,1 PVC,1 Rod,2 Sentraliser
13-Sep Morne-Rouge ASEBED            MarkII 19.70746 72.27543 3m 4 Raccor,Old Chaine
14-Sep Grison-Garde La Revoir           Afridev 19.65828 72.27752 2m 6 Sentraliser,4 Bearings, Gasket,2 Bobing
14-Sep Grison-Garde Gilleron             Afridev 19.61646 72.27844 4m 1 Plonger,2 Bearings,4 Sentraliser
14-Sep Acul du Nord La Soudre          Afridev 19.66785 72.31821 4m Gasket,3 Sentraliser
14-Sep Acul du Nord Dipathi              Afridev 19.66743 72.31645 4m 1 PVC,2 Rods,2 Bearings,4 Sentraliser,1 Cyrle


Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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