Richard Fixing a village pump
Richard Fixing a village pump
The People of Haiti thank
Harvey and Kathy Pepneck (Vauxhall, AB)
Marilyn Weeks (Calgary, AB)
Donna Schorr (Medicine Hat, AB)
Frank and Louise Wilson (Thunder Bay, ON )
In memory of Jim Gehrels

For helping them repair dozens of broken pumps
during the month of Dec. 2023 #1

A message from the community

Dear Sir/Madame

Thank you for helping our team bring safe water back to 31 villages in the first part of December.  Our nation is struggling so hard now, to have their wells back in service means a lot and everyone wishes you all rich blessings for thinking of them and repairing their handpumps


Hanania Orelus

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Date   Area   Village   Pump type   GPS Northing   GPS Welevation       Parts used, changed, notes

24-Nov Balan Grand Carrefour Afridev 19.72982 72.30388 3m PVC, 1 Raccord, 3 Setralisers, next time head pump need to be change
24-Nov Balan Glodine Afridev 19.72039 72.28381 4m 8 Rod Centralisers, 1 fullcrum, Gasket, 2 Bolts, 2 Bobbin
24-Nov Bois Caiman Ruelle Santonax Afridev 19.71698 72.27101 4m 4 sentralisers, 1 bobbin, 4 Baerings, 1 small axle
24-Nov Bois Caiman institution Educative du Nord Afridev 19.71786 72.27036 4m Cylinder, 1 Lock, 6 Rod Centralisers, 1 Flapper
27-Nov Morne rouge Carrefour Plaine du Nord Mark II 19.70995 72.26741 4m Old Chain, Raccor, need switch complet next time
27-Nov Cap Haitien Bas vertiere Afridev 19.73523 72.22098 3m Gasket, 3 Rods, 4 Sentralisers
27-Nov Cap Haitien Cite Chauvel Afridev 19.73841 72.21285 4m 1 Small Axle, 4 Bearings, 2 Sentralisers, 1 Flapper
28-Nov Port Margot Peskay Mark II 19.74648 72.42934 4m 2 Rods, 2 Pvc, 4 Raccors, 2 bolts,
28-Nov Port Margot Dacier Afridev 19.76576 72.43891 4m 2 Sentralisers, 1 Cylinder , 2 PVC, 1 Rod
28-Nov Port Margot Coraille Afridev 19.75112 72.42149 3m 4 Bearings, Gasket, 1 Raccor, 1 Rod, 2 Sentralisers
28-Nov Port Margot Aria Afridev 19.76258 72.42681 3m 2 Raccors, 2 Rods, 1 PVC, gasket, 2 Bolts
29-Nov Cap Haitien Carrefour Ste Philomene Afridev 19.74515 72.21049 3m 3 Sentralisers, 4 Bearings, 1 Raccor, Gasket, 1 Rod, 1 Bobbin
29-Nov Cap Haitien Champin Afridev 19.73746 72.21043 3m 1 PVC,, 2 Rods, 2 Bearings, 2 Sentralisers, 1 Flapper
29-Nov Cap Haitien Citee du Peuple Afridev 19.74119 72.20887 3m 2 Raccors, 2 Rods, 2 PVC
01-Dec Plaine du Nord Breda Mark II 19.68551 72.26994 4m 2 PVC,2 Raccors, 1 old chain
01-Dec Plaine du Nord interieur Afridev 19.70419 72.27195 2m Gasket, Plunger, 2 Sentralisers, 1 Foot Valve
01-Dec Acul du Nord Bor de mer Afridev 19.70385 72.32026 3m Gasket, next time cylinder need to be change
01-Dec Acul du Nord Village Bethleem Afridev 19.70532 72.32015 3m 1 Plunger, 1 Sentraliser
01-Dec Acul du Nord Nan Campeche Afridev 19.69019 72.30881 3m Gasket,2 Sentralisers, 2 Connectors
04-Dec Robillard La Revoire Afridev 19.61987 72.25836 4m 4 Bearings, Gasket, 3 Sentralisers, 1 bolt, 1 bobbin
04-Dec Milot Borde Mark II 19.63575 72.23729 4m Raccord, 1 Rod, 1 PVC
04-Dec Milot Eglise du Christ Afridev 19.65721 72.23505 3m gasket, 2 Raccors, 2 Bearings, 4 Sentralisers
04-Dec Plaine du Nord Rue St Jacques Afridev 19.67762 72.26826 3m 2 Raccors, 2 PVC,2 Rods, 4 Bearings
05-Dec Grison Garde Ruelle rpheline Afridev 19.62229 72.28956 3m 3 Sentraisers, 4 Bearings, Gasket, next repair pump need to be change
05-Dec Acul du Nord Nan Maxime Afridev 19.65875 72.29843 4m 2 Rods, 2 Raccors, 2 Sentralisers, 4 Bearings, 1 Plunger, 1 Axlw
05-Dec Acul du Nord Bas Maxime Mark II 19.65681 72.30064 2m 1 PVC, 2 Rods, 2 Raccors, 2 Bolts
06-Dec Acul du Nord Pillatre Afridev 19.70355 72.33402 3m 6 Sentralisers, Gasket, 1 Bobbin
06-Dec Acul du Nord bas Pillatre Afridev 19.70771 72.33442 4m Gasket, 4 Sentralisers, 2 bearings
06-Dec Morne rouge Buclere Afridev 19.70816 72.26812 3m 4 Sentralisers, 2 Bearings, Gasket, 1 bobbin
06-Dec Acul du Nord Jolie Afridev 19.67547 72.29085 4m 1 Raccor, 1 PVC, 1 Rod, 4 Bearings, Gasket, 1 Foot valve, 2 Bolts
07-Dec Plaine du Nord Centre ville Afridev 19.67731 72.26905 3m Gasket, Plunger, 4 Bearings, 1 Raccor, 1 PVC, 1 Rod, 2 Sentralisers

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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