A planned gift or legacy gift to Lifewater Canada enables you to address your own financial needs while providing a lasting legacy of health and hope for children and their families who need safe water to survive.

You can also continue to provide help long after you are gone!

There are several planned giving or legacy giving options available to you including:

1) Bequests and Wills: A bequest is a gift made through your Will. Bequests are the most common type of planned giving, and anyone with a will can make a bequest.

16711933_1842487926017555_2899418215521660425_n.jpg 22 KBPlease consider including Lifewater Canada in your will. You can designate a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. You can also bequest stocks, bonds, or other publicly traded securities.

Your bequest can be fairly general (“use my bequest wherever it is needed most”) or relatively specific (identifying one or more of the countries in which Lifewater operates that you would like to support, and/or identifying what type of support – water projects, sanitation projects, infrastructure, equipment, administration, etc.).

If you include Lifewater Canada in your will, please notify us at info@lifewater.ca so we are aware of your plans.

Your lawyer can help you write or amend your will to include a bequest to Lifewater, or you can get help from Link Charity which administers Planned Giving or Legacy Giving to dozens of Canadian charities including Lifewater.

You can make a bequest directly to Lifewater, or to the special funds that Link Charity oversees on our behalf:

  • Lifewater Endowment Fund: Both the principal and interest in the fund can be deployed to provide safe water
  • Lifewater Legacy Fund: The fund’s principal remains invested and only the interest is deployed

2) Donor Advised Funds: You can establish an investment fund that will provide an immediate tax benefit to you while making regular gifts to Lifewater Canada. Link Charity can help you establish the fund, and arrange for it to end on a certain date or continue blessing people with safe water for generations to come.

3) Charitable Annuities: A Charitable Annuity enables you to make an investment in Lifewater while receiving consistent income from that investment for yourself. Your investment/annuity can be managed by Link Charity.

When you establish a charitable annuity with Link Charity (minimum $10,000 investment):

  • You receive a tax receipt for at least 20% of the invested amount
  • Link Charity guarantees regular payments to you at a locked-in interest rate for the rest of your life, with tax savings available on that income
  • Link Charity manages the entire investment so you don’t need to worry about it
  • After your death, the remaining capital is released to Lifewater Canada

Learn more about Planned Giving by contacting Lifewater Canada president Lynda Gehrels (807-622-4848 or lifewatercanada@gmail.com).

For a confidential consultation with Link Charity, contact Robert Ennema (office: 647-435-724 or cell: 647-222-3704; email: info@linkcharity.ca).

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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