Community Washroom
Latitude: 9.20635, Longitude: 7.05269
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Greetings in Jesus name. I write on behalf of the church, the community and myself to thank Lifewater Canada/Nigeria for building toilet for us. Indeed, we appreciate and wish you success in life. Remain blessed. Thanks Yours in His Vine Yard. Rev. Alheri A. Fadawa
I am Reverend Alhari Abraham, resident pastor of Kauna Baptist Church, Gozoko. I deeply appreciate Lifewater Nigeria and Canada building a modern toilet for my church and community. This will help eradicate illnesses from open defecation, which was commonly practiced before. It will vastly reduce infections as well. People will no longer have to openly defecate now that we have proper sanitation access. We are tremendously grateful for this timely support. Before, we struggled without sufficient toilets and prayed for change. Now, thanks to your generosity, health and living conditions will greatly improve. We will never forget you helping us transform our area when we truly needed it.