Pump Repair Project
Dear Sir/Madame It is with great joy that I thank you for your support so we can fix these 23 village pumps. We are always welcomed into the villages and everyone sends you their gratitude for Water is life and without safe water all suffer, especially our children. May the Lord pour out His love and blessing on you all. Hanania Orelus Program Coordinator
23 villages had their pumps repaired Date Area village Pump type GPS N GPS W El Parts used 19-Apr Lorry Segur Afridev 19.69957 72.22986 3m 2 Bearings,1 Sentraliser,1 Plonger,1 Bobbing 19-Apr Lorry Lagocette Mark II 19.67585 72.22039 3m Old Chaine,2 Bolts 19-Apr Lorry Temple Adventiste Hebra Mark II 19.69574 72.22596 3m 2 PVC,2 Rods,2 Raccor,2 Bolts 19-Apr Vaudreuil Zabitan Afridev 19.71844 72.25682 3m 5 Sentraliser,Gasket,2 Bearings 22-Apr Balan Lorry Afridev 19.72017 72.28964 3m Gasket,2 sentraliser 22-Apr Quatier-Morrin Clerice Afridev 19.68295 72.18726 3m 1 PVC,2 Rods,4 Sentraliser 22-Apr Vaudreuil Bethanie Afridev 19.72276 72.24946 3m New Cylender,1 Raccor,2 Rods,3 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,2 Bolts,1 Lock,1 Floper 22-Apr Vaudreuil Grand-Blanc Mark II 19.71488 72.25849 3m 4 Raccor,2 PVC,2 Rods,2 Bolts 23-Apr Grison-Garde Chenau II Afridev 19.61073 72.28195 3m 6 Sentraliser,Gasket,4 Bearings,1 Flaper 23-Apr Grison-Garde Paroisse Ste.Therese Mark II 19.61651 72.28927 3m Old chaine,2 Bolts,1 Raccor 23-Apr Grison-Garde Langlese II Mark II 19.60572 72.27447 3m 2 Raccor,1 PVC 23-Apr Grison-Garde Chenau Afridev 19.61145 72.27614 3m 4 Bearings,4 Sentraliser,1 Bobbing 23-Apr Grison-Garde Chenau II Afridev 19.61065 72.27905 3m 2 Rods,4 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,1 Flaper,4 Bolts,1 Lock,2 Bobbing 24-Apr Port-Magot Anneaud Afridev 19.74772 72.44785 4m 2 Sentraliser,Gasket,4 Bearings,1 Big Axe,1 Bobbin,1 Lock 24-Apr Port-Magot ENFMPM Afridev 19.76278 72.42613 3m 3 Sentraliser,Gasket,2 Bearings,2 Bolts 24-Apr Port-Magot Maturin Afridev 19.76602 72.42641 3m 4 Bearings,5 Sentraliser 24-Apr Port-Magot ENCMPM Afridev 19.74526 72.42908 3m 4 Bearings,New Plonger,4 Sentraliser,2 Bolts 24-Apr Acul-du-Nord Momben Zanmi Afridev 19.70994 72.33615 3m Gasket,Next time need to be change the Cylender 25-Apr Plaine-du Nord Centre-Ville Mark II 19.67791 72.26902 3m Old Chaine,2 Bolts,1 Rod,1 Raccor,Next time need to be schitch Complete 25-Apr Balan Papillon Afridev 19.72454 72.29255 3m New Cylender,2 Raccor,2 Rods,2 Sentraliser 25-Apr Balan Barriere Batan Afridev 19.73074 72.29278 4m 3 Rods,6 sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,1 bobbin 25-Apr Balan Mawo Afridev 19.72742 72.31191 3m Gasket,2 Sentraliser 26-Apr Champ-Louise Zamor Afridev 19.76602 72.34759 3m 1 Raccor,2 Rods,1 Plonger,2 Sentraliser