Attempting to Drill a Well
Attempting to Drill a Well
Washing Hands Demonstration
Washing Hands Demonstration
Preparing Lunch for Workshop
Preparing Lunch for Workshop
Village Overview
Village Overview
The People of Bamboo School, Liberia, thank
Emo Christian Reformed Church (Emo, ON)
Tom & Debbie Niehof (Ames, IA)

For helping them complete health & hygiene training

A message from the community

Dear Sir/Madame: We would like to affirm you in your efforts to provide a well for our school. We witnessed your determination and your efforts to strive to do your best. Although it is disappointing there was no water in the borehole, we understand it is not because of anything that you could have done to improve on your labour. We are very grateful for the workshop that was held for us. Our students have benefited from all they learn and we now know to continue to teach them the benefits of hand washing and when this is vital to do. Thank you for your good work In His Service Bamboo Village Chief Kaba D. Akolwala

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

This project has gone on for a long time. When we first started to drill here, we hit very hard rock. After a couple of days, our Drill rig broke down in a serious way. We were blessed by volunteers who came from Canada and elsewhere who worked long hours to fix and upgrade this LS-350 rig and we were able to test the repairs back at this drill site. However after drilling 155 feet, there was not sufficient water to put a handpump on the borehole. On March 10th 2014, a workshop was held for this school and was well received. Many lessons were taught and practiced during the workshop, including how diseases are transmitted, how to treat your drinking water to keep from contacting the many water-borne diseases it may carry.

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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