Water Pump at keringet Boys' Secondary School
Water Pump at keringet Boys' Secondary School
Keringet Boys' Secondary School gate
Keringet Boys' Secondary School gate
Keringet Boys' Secondary School  compound
Keringet Boys' Secondary School compound
The People of Kenya thank
Spencer Haladay (New Hamburg, ON )
Mick Ellis (Saskatoon, SK)

For helping them repair their handpump in
Keringet Boys' Secondary School
Latitude: -0.42821 Longitude: 35.68689
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A message from the community


For about two years, we did not have access to clean water for school activities and domestic use even though we had two wells within the school grounds. This is because the pumps on both wells broke down and we could not afford to fix them. Then you came through for us and saved us from water scarcity and left us enjoying an abundance of water from both wells.

Thank you so much for your service and love.

Geoffrey Korir, Teacher, Keringet Boys’ Secondary School

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)


Keringet Boys’ Boarding and Day School in Molo, Kenya's Nakuru County, has 229 students. The school has boarding facilities that demand much larger amounts of water compared to the needs of daytime-only institutions. Therefore, when the hand-powered pumps on the school's two water wells failed two years ago, the only remaining water from other sources had to be strictly rationed, recalls teacher Geoffrey Korir. 

Thanks to our donors, Lifewater Canada has repaired the broken hand pumps, including this one. Now students and staff have enough safe, accessible water to meet their drinking, hygiene, and sanitation needs, including in the boarding facilities. 

“There are so many good things flowing from these water wells that we are happy about,” Geoffrey says.

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!

457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1

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