Safe Drinking Water Supply
Latitude: 6.25922, Longitude: -10.36498
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We the dwellers of New Dolo Town want to take this time to appreciate Lifewater for the new well installed in our community that is providing safe drinking water. God bless Lifewater and its sponsors for their support.
John Frankyou, Community Leader
New Dolo Town is in Margibi County along the Bassa Town Road, opposite Peace Island community. The town never had a nearby source of safe drinking water so children and adults had to walk long distances to gather it.
Lifewater recently arrived in New Dolo Town and, thanks to our donors, drilled a much-needed well.
"This is a gift from God to our people," said local resident Ruth P. Johnson. "The great work your organization have done by bringing us a source of safe drinking water will forever be remembered. Many thanks to the drilling team. May God continue to bless Lifewater and the people who gave the money for this work. We promise to take care of the well and hand pump."
Well Depth: | 65 ft. | Turbidity: | Clear |
Depth of Water: | 12.00 ft. | Water Colour: | Clear |
Well Yield: | 5.00 gpm | Water Odour: | None |
Screen Length: | 10.00 ft. | Taste: | Good |
Casing Diameter: | 4.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Afridev | Iron: | |
Developed By: | Surge Bailing | pH: | |
Development Time: | 3.00 hrs. | Bacti Test: | |
Disinfection: | 24.00 hrs. |