Pump Replacement Projects
Latitude: 6.51026, Longitude: -10.67545
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We bring you greetings from Arthington Public School. We extend our thanks and appreciation to Lifewater for their good work in saving us from the struggle of getting safe drinking water by replacing our pump. May God continue to bless Lifewater.
-- Jerome Padmore, School Principal
This public school is the only one in the Arthington area of Liberia's lower Montserrado County. It has 350 students and 16 staff who are part of a larger community of 650 people.
Since Arthington was established 50 years ago, it has not had a drilled water well. Residents depended on shallow hand-dug wells and creeks in the area.
There is a hand pump on one of the hand-dug wells -- the one serving the school -- but it failed some time ago. Thanks to our donors, Lifewater visited Arthington and rehabilitated the well (including a new pump) so safe and accessible water is flowing again for the students, staff, and surrounding community. Local leaders, including school principal Jerome Padmore, told us they appreciate Lifewater and its supporters for this humanitarian work.
Well Depth: | 0 ft. | Turbidity: | |
Depth of Water: | 0.00 ft. | Water Colour: | |
Well Yield: | Water Odour: | ||
Screen Length: | 0.00 ft. | Taste: | |
Casing Diameter: | 0.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Iron: | ||
Developed By: | pH: | ||
Development Time: | Bacti Test: | ||
Disinfection: |