Village well repair completed
Village well repair completed
Repair under way
Repair under way
Spending time with the well caretaker (training)
Spending time with the well caretaker (training)
Village well repaired
Village well repaired
The People of Haiti thank
Jeremy Little (Montreal, QC)
In Honour of Lucy Passaro

For helping them repair dozens of broken pumps
during the month of August 2022 #3

A message from the community

Another 20 villages received help to restore their wells back to working order because of the generosity of your gifts. We can only give God our thanks as we have never met you but we know God is looking after us and helping us in this hard times we are living in.  Our pump team is always well received and with care we move around our communities to fix broken pumps.  

Everyone wants to say thank you to all of you who are helping us.


Hanania Orelus, Haiti Program Coordinator

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

 20 repairs   

        Date       Area             Village         Pump type GPS N      GPS W     El    Parts used, changed

  • 05-Aug  Acul du Nord   Haut Moline  Afridev  19.65754  72.3127   5m  2PVC,2 Rods,4 Sentraliser,1 Foot-Valve,1                                                                                                             Raccor
  • 05-Aug Acul du Nord   Lasoudre       Afridev  19.67115  72.32      4m  Gasket,1 Raccor,1 PVC,1 Rod
  • 05-Aug Acul du Nord   Pillatre          Afridev  19.7058   72.3297   3m  Gasket,1 Cyrle,1 Sentraliser
  • 08-Aug Acul du Nord   Cheno           Afridev  19.61067  72.282    8m  Gasket,2 PVC
  • 08-Aug Plaine du Nord Gilleron        Afridev  19.61664  72.2855  4m  6 Rods,1 Gasket
  • 08-Aug Acul du Nord   Haut Leglise  Afridev  19.6824   72.3193   5m  3 PVC,Gasket,2 Axes,4 Bearings
  • 08-Aug Plaine du Nord Riguard        Afridev  19.7198   72.2577   3m  3 PVC,3 Rods,Gasket,4 Sentraliser,4 Bearings
  • 09-Aug Plaine du Nord Vaudreuil Zabitan Afridev 19.71994 72.2577 3m 3 PVC,1 Gasket,3 Rods
  • 09-Aug Acul du Nord    Pillatre        Afridev   19.70526  72.329   4m  1 Gasket,2 PVC,1 Raccor
  • 09-Aug Acul du Nord    Pillatre        Afridev   19.70352  72.3306  4m  1 Gasket,2 Rods
  • 09-Aug Acul du Nord    Pillatre        Afridev   19.7066    72.3338  3m Gasket,2 PVC
  • 09-Aug Acul du Nord    Pillatre        Afridev   19.70766  72.3345  4m Gasket,1 Rod
  • 10-Aug Acul du Nord    Carfou Cagnet Afridev 19.6886  72.3205   6m Gasket,1 Raccor
  • 10-Aug Acul du Nord    Bel-Hotes    Afridev    19.71106 72.3372  3m Gasket,1 Rod
  • 10-Aug Camp-Louise    Lafont         Afridev   19.75387  72.3495  3m Gasket,2 Rods
  • 10-Aug Camp-Louise    Lafont         Afridev   20.          72.35      3m Gasket,2 Bearings
  • 10-Aug Camp-Louise    Debwa         Afridev  19.77515  72.3513   5m Gasket,1 PVC,1 Raccor
  • 11-Aug Plaine du Nord Morne-Rouge  Afridev 19.70996  72.2753   4m Gasket,6 Sentraliser,2 Bearings
  • 11-Aug Plaine du Nord Buclere          Afridev 19.70512  72.2688   4m Gasket,3 Rods,4 Bearings,4 Sentraliser
  • 11-Aug Plaine du Nord                     Afridev 19.6809   72.2686    2m 4 PVC,3 Raccor,Gasket,6 Sentraliser

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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