Rainwater harvesting and storage tank and handwashing station at Nazerene nursery
Rainwater harvesting and storage tank and handwashing station at Nazerene nursery
Handwashing station for young students
Handwashing station for young students
Rainwater harvesting tank provides both drinking and handwashing water
Rainwater harvesting tank provides both drinking and handwashing water
Students by New System
Students by New System
New Catchment System with New Latrine in background
New Catchment System with New Latrine in background
The People of Nazarene Nursery, Kenya, thank
Alex Tong (Guelph, ON)
Grace Scott (Ottawa, ON)
Judith Conway (Comox, BC)
Gloria and Bob Dickinson (Burlington, ON)

For helping them get safe drinking water
Latitude: -0.15169 Longitude: 34.81193
Open map

A message from the community

On behalf of the Nazarene Church and community nursery, we would like to appreciate Lifewater Canada  for providing our school with a water tank and handwashing station. May God bless you.

  -- Administrators

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Nazarene Church in Kisumu County operates a community nursery for 65 preschoolers. For a water supply, the nursery relied on a tap at a nearby home. Unfortunately, the tap would sometimes run dry -- leaving little boys and girls with no water to drink or to wash themselves with after going to the toilet. This created a very unsafe environment for everyone. Neither nursery administrators nor parents were happy with the situation but they couldn't afford the money to take any action.

Thanks to our donors, Lifewater visited the nursery recently and installed a rain harvesting and storage system including a 2,500 tank and hand-washing station. Now the children have safe water for drinking and hygiene even during dry times. Nursery staff told us that due to everyone's convenient access to clean water, caring for the kids has never been more enjoyable. 

Well Details

Project Completed: 2022-10-12 Well Depth: 0 ft.
Depth of Water: 0.00 ft. Casing Diameter: 0.00 in.
Screen Length: 0.00 ft. Developed By:
Development Time: Well Yield:
Disinfection: Handpump:
Water Colour: Water Odour:
Turbidity: Taste:
Nitrate: Bacti Test:
Iron: pH:

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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