Successful repaired pump
Successful repaired pump
Happy Children by working pump
Happy Children by working pump
Repair ongoing
Repair ongoing
Work starting on broken pump
Work starting on broken pump
Children by newly repaired well
Children by newly repaired well
The People of Haiti thank
Fellowship of Man (Toronto, ON)
Aasha & Alessia Sarta, and Marcus & Adrianna Silva (East York, ON)
Thomas & Deborah Treen (Preeceville, SK)
Peter and Marg Vanderspruit (Medicine Hat, AB)

For helping them repair dozens of broken pumps
during the month of January 2023 #1

A message from the community

Dear Donors:

It is with great pleasure that we write this letter on behalf of the 20 villages that now have safe drinking water flowing freely once again. Water is life, and to try to survive in our nation without water close at hand is increasingly difficult. Your support for the pump repair program is such a blessing and we all are very grateful. Thank you so much

Hanania Orelus, Lifewater Haiti Program Coordinator

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Date    Area              Village   Pump type GPS N   GPS W    El    Parts used, changed, 
16-Dec Haut-du Cap   Denar      Afrediv    19.72574 72.22498  3m 4 Rods,2 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,1 Flaper,1 Lock
16-Dec Haut-du Cap   Nan Volci Afrediv    19.72077 72.22541  3m Gasket,2 Bearings3 Sentraliser,1 Rod
16-Dec Champ-Louise Haut-Fevre Afrediv 19.72439 72.35004  3m 2 Rods,3 Sentraliser,1 Foot-Valve,1 Big Axe
16-Dec Acul-du Nord   Pillatre      Afrediv  19.70941 72.33076  5m Gasket
16-Dec Acul-du Nord                 Afrediv    19.68083 72.31377  3m Gasket
16-Dec Plaine du Nord Rue du Marche Afrediv 19.67596 72.26972 4m 1 Plonger,2 Sentraliser,Gasket
19-Dec Acul-du Nord  Centre Ville Afrediv  19.68045 72.31982 4m Hade Pump,4 Sentraliser,Handle,Gasket
19-Dec Acul-du Nord  Jolie           Afrediv  19.67481 72.2961    4m 2 Sentraliser,2 Bearings
19-Dec Acul-du Nord Bas Mathone Afrediv 19.68542 72.29642 3m Gasket,1 Sentraliser
19-Dec Robillard Ecole Nationale   Afrediv  19.63089 72.25617 3m Gasket,2 Bolts,2 Bearings
19-Dec Robillard          Robillard   Afrediv  19. 63067 72.25896 6m 4 Rods,4 Sentraliser,2 Bearings,Gasket,1 PVC
21-Dec Grande Riviere Trou-Zombi Afrediv 19.57686 72.16817 4m 2 Raccor,1 PVC,3 Rods,2 Sentraliser
21-Dec Grande Riviere Nan Pinson Afrediv 19.56855 72.16465 4 Bearings,2 Sentraliser,1 Bobing
21-Dec Grande Riviere Zepini        Mark II 19.56601 72.15761 8m 1 PVC,1 Rod,2 Raccor
21-Dec Grande Riviere Tabois       Mark II 19.57784 72.17083  3m 1 PVC, old Hade Pump,2 Bolts
21-Dec Grande Riviere Bas du Bout Mark II 19.58635 72.17484 3m 3 PVC,3 Rods,2 Raccor
22-Dec Balan              Lumiere     Afrediv   19.72942 72.30069 3m 5 Rods,5 Sentraliser,1 Small Axe,4 Bearings
22-Dec Balan Bas Nan Breus        Afrediv 19.71581 72.28321 4m Gasket
23-Dec Morne-Rouge Norman      Afrediv 19.71364 72.27194 3m 2 Bearings,Gasket,4 Sentraliser
23-Dec Morne-Rouge Bois-Caiman Ruel St.Victor Wilson Afrediv 19.71327 72.26614 4m Gasket,2 Sentraliser,2 Bearings1                                                                                                                             Foot-Valve

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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