Village Overveiw
Village Overveiw
Old Water Source
Old Water Source
Newly repaired well
Newly repaired well
Fixing the broken pump
Fixing the broken pump
The people of Sabon Gari Gurfata Community, Nigeria thank
Mark & Pat Folkerts (Ayr, ON)
Helga Schmidt (Dunnville, ON )
Derek Schuurman (Canada)

For helping them replace their worn-out pump and repair their well
Latitude: 9.13199 Longitude: 7.06552
Open map

A message from the community

We thank you Lifewater  for rehabilitating our well. We gave up hope that this well would ever function again, due to a lack of funds to repair it. Villagers had to rely on water from the pond for their daily survival. Thank you for helping us resolve this problem. We pray that God bless you and all you do. 

  -- Mr. Peter M., Community Leader 

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

With no nearby water source after the pump on their local well failed, students at L.E.A. Primary School in Sabon Gari Gurfata Community were forced to walk long distances each day to the nearest streams. This kept them out of the classroom and put them at risk of being hit by passing vehicles or being attacked while they travelled through isolated areas.

Through the support of Lifewater Canada donors, the well has been rehabilitated (including a new hand pump) and is now providing safe and readily accessible water to the school and surrounding community.

Well Details

Project Completed: 2023-01-21 Well Depth: 180 ft.
Depth of Water: 10.00 ft. Casing Diameter: 4.00 in.
Screen Length: 0.00 ft. Developed By: Electric Pump
Development Time: 0.25 hrs. Well Yield: 5.00 gpm
Disinfection: 24.00 hrs. Handpump: Afridev
Water Colour: Clear Water Odour: None
Turbidity: Clear Taste: Good
Nitrate: Bacti Test:
Iron: pH: 10.200

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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