Nyangade Community handpump
Nyangade Community handpump
Happy villagers
Happy villagers
A villager carrying home clean and safe water from the hand-pump
A villager carrying home clean and safe water from the hand-pump
Nyangade community unsafe old water source
Nyangade community unsafe old water source
The People of Nyangade Community, Kenya, thank
Joshua Nash (Victoria, BC )
Anonymous Donors

For helping them get safe drinking water
Latitude: -0.21009 Longitude: 34.84272
Open map

A message from the community

We in Nyangade wish to express our sincere gratitude to Lifewater for the provision of a clean and safe water source for our community. We never had a well nearby so clean water was always a distant dream. We are grateful for this beautiful reality.

  -- Community Leaders

Some community details (provided by our in-country partners)

Because they had no nearby well, about 800 children and adults living in Nyangade in Kisumu County always had to gather water from a swamp. This source was very contaminated, and resulted in many residents becoming sick. But sadly, there was no other option. But recently, generous Lifewater Canada donors funded the drilling of a well in Nyangade that is providing the community with safe water and improved health.

Well Details

Project Completed: 2023-02-17 Well Depth: 98 ft.
Depth of Water: 12.00 ft. Casing Diameter: 4.00 in.
Screen Length: 30.00 ft. Developed By: Surge Bailing
Development Time: 24.00 hrs. Well Yield: 53.00 gpm
Disinfection: 24.00 hrs. Handpump: Afridev
Water Colour: Clear Water Odour: None
Turbidity: Clear Taste: Good
Nitrate: Bacti Test:
Iron: pH:

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!






457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1
+1 807-622-4848

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