Pump Repair Project
Greetings to all!
We want to express our deep gratitude for the work you have done for our country. With the pump repair team travelling to 23 communities, that's a lot of people and a lot of thanks that flows to all who supported this work. Everyone is grateful.
-- Hanania Orelus, Program Manager, Lifewater Haiti
Date District Village Pump Type GPS N GPS W El Parts needed
2023-02-28 Bois de Lance Eglice Eglise St. Zidor Afridev 19.61925 72.12878 3m Gasket, 2 Sentraliser
2023-02-28 Bois de Lance Derikou MarkII 19.61661 72.13343 3m Old Chaine
2023-02-28 Bois de Lance Julo MarkII 19.62482 72.13589 2m 2 Raccor, 2 PVC.1 Rod
2023-02-28 Bois de Lance Fourmie Afridev 19.65127 72.14451 2m Plonger, 2 Bearings,1 Sentraliser,1 Raccor,1 PVC
2023-02-28 Bois de Lance Charitte Afridev 19.64339 19.15625 2m Gasket, 2 Sentraliser,1 Rod
2023-02-28 Bois de Lance Carfou la Chau Afridev 19.66231 72.13365 3m Gasket
2023-03-01 Cap-Haitien Bleu-Hills Afridev 19.71554 72.21681 4m Gasket,1 PVC,1 Rod,2 Sentraliser
2023-03-01 Cap-Haitien Lorry Afridev 19.71535 72.22662 Gasket, 2 Sentraliser
2023-03-01 Cap-Haitien Rue Zero L MarkII 19.75011 72.20774 4m 2 Raccor, 2 PVC, Old Rservoir, 4 Raccor
2023-03-01 Cap-Haitien Nazon Afridev 19.74996 72.20749 4m Gasket,2 Sentraliser,1 Flapper
2023-03-01 Cap-Haitien Assemblee la Foi en Christ en Action Afridev 19.74141 72.21346 4m 4 Bearings, 1 Flapper, 2 Sentraliser,1 Bobing
2023-03-02 Milot Borde Afridev 19.63769 72.23713 Gasket, 2 Bearings, 3 Sentraliser
2023-03-02 Milot Borde Grande-Place Afridev 19.63211 72.23853 3m Gasket,2 Sentraliser,2 Bearings,1 Lock
2023-03-02 Milot Ecole Natonal de Borde Afridev 19.63011 72.23793 2m Gasket,4 Bearings,3 Sentraliser,1 Foot-Valve
2023-03-02 Bois-Rouge Mansuire Afridev 19.63143 72.26968 3m 2 Bearings,1 Rod,4 Sentraliser
2023-03-03 Vaudreuil Lindor Afridev 19.71374 72.25869 4m Gasket,2 Bearings,3 Sentraliser
2023-03-03 Limbe Modier Afridev 19.69074 72.41218 3m Gasket,3 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,1 Lock
2023-03-03 La Suisse La Suisse Afridev 19.67583 72.24304 3m Gasket,1 PVC,1 Rod,2 Sentraliser
2023-03-03 Limbe Haut-limbe Afridev 19.70437 72.38126 2m 2 Rods,2 Sentraliser,4 Bearings, Gasket,1 Bobing
2023-03-03 Plaine du Nord Paco Afridev 19.69225 72.27025 3m 4 PVC,4 Rods,4 Sentraliser
2023-03-06 Balan Bas-Gaudin Afridev 19.74118 72.30624 3m 4 Bearings,2 Sentraliser,1 Lock
2023-03-06 Balan Endedans Gaudin Afridev 19.74298 72.30649 4m 4 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,1 Cycle
2023-03-06 Balan Boston Afridev 19.73243 72.30665 4m Gasket,2 Bearings,1 Lock