Pump Repair Project
Latitude: 9.28552, Longitude: 6.58274
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We appreciate Lifewater for repairing our long-damaged hand pump. While it was broken, it caused a lot of challenge in getting good water in our community. May God bless you.
-- Suleiman Bala, Community Leader
Sulaiman Adamu Danjuma is from the Anguwan Yashi Community, where people struggled to survive after the hand pump on their local well stopped functioning.
"We appreciate Lifewater's visit to our community and free assistance in repairing our damaged pump," Sulaiman says. "Our hearts are made happy because it has been a long time since we had access to clean water. With the repair, there is no longer the need to purchase water from vendors or travel long distances in a quest for water. We appreciate your selfless dedication to the community. May God bless Lifewater."