Community Washroom
Latitude: 8.84987, Longitude: 8.11498
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We thank you for building such a beautiful community toilet for us at ECWA Church No.5 in Angwan Matasa Garaku. We pray for more blessings from God for you, and for you to do more for the glory and honour of our Lord Jesus Christ.
-- Ezekiel B. Daniel, Community Leader
“I am Nehimiah Michael, the resident pastor of ECWA Church No.5 in Angwan Matasa Garaku. We thank Lifewater for the toilet project. Church services were constantly interrupted due to members' urgent need to use the toilet but having to go back to their homes for that. All of that came to a stop with your intervention. Today, we can live healthy lives. Thank you, Lifewater for all you have done for the church and the whole community. May God bless you.”