Pump Repair Project
Latitude: -0.09267, Longitude: 34.77976
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We are very thankful for Lifewater and Stada Kenya for enabling us to acquire clean and safe water through the repair of our village hand pump. We are happy to be served by you. ---Community Leaders
Residents of Manyatta Konambaya had to walk five kilometres back and forth to the nearest river after the hand pump on their community’s well stopped functioning two years ago. The daily trip was tiring and time-consuming. It kept women from income-earning opportunities and children from being in school. Worse yet, the water they brought home to their families was contaminated so it put everyone at risk of contracting diarrheal diseases. But thanks to our donors, Lifewater and Stada Kenya have repaired the broken well and safe water is flowing again in Manyatta Konambaya.