Pump Repair Project
Dear Sir/Madame
On behalf of the 30 villages who received the services of our pump repair team, I wish to convey their gratitude and thanks to God.
It is very hot here in Haiti now and water is LIFE! Everyone is so happy when they see the repair truck come to their village, for they know relief is at hand.
Know that your gifts are greatly appreciated
Hanania Orelus
Program Coordinator
Date Area Village Pump GPS N GPS W EL Parts used, changed, notes
20-Jul Cap-Haitien Febus MarkII 19.72297 72.23076 10m 4 raccor,2 PVC,2 Bolts,2 Rods
20-Jul Vaudreuil Max Afridev 19.71738 72.24999 4m 2 Raccor,Gasket,7 Rods, 6 Sentraliser,1 PVC
20-Jul Morne-Rouge Morne-Rouge Afridev 19.70978 72.27053 2m Gasket,4 Sentraliser, 2 Bearings
20-Jul Morne-Rouge Moustique MarkII 19.70673 72.28485 3m 4 Bolts,1 old reservoir, 4 Raccor
24-Jul Morne-Rouge Nan Ratte Afridev 19.71536 72.26387 3m 6 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,1 new Plonger,1 Bobing
24-Jul Vaudreuil Latorture Afridev 19.71621 72.25479 2m Gasket,2 Bearings,1 Bobing,2 Sentraliser
24-Jul Morne-Rouge Volmar Afridev 19.71536 72.26731 4m 7 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,1 Bobing
24-Jul Morne-Rouge Bas Morne-Rouge Afridev 19.71098 72.26537 3m 2 Rods,5 Sentraliser,1 Lock
25-Jul Balan Mopion Afridev 19.72818 72.30449 3m Gasket
25-Jul Morne-Rouge St.Victor Afridev 19.71323 72.27644 3m 2 PVC,1 Raccor, Gasket,4 Sentraliser,1 Foot-Valve
25-Jul Lasuisse Pake Afridev 19.68878 72.23803 2m 5 PVC,5 Rods,5 Sentraliser
25-Jul Vaudreuil Nan Petete Afridev 19.71859 72.25703 3m Gasket,5 Sentraliser
25-Jul Balan Mon Voisin Afridev 19.73484 72.30137 3m 1 New Plonger,4 Sentraliser,Bobing,1 Lock
26-Jul Port-Margot Ecole Nationale Fondamentale Afridev 19.76289 72.42608 3m 3 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket,1 PVC,2 Rods
26-Jul Port-Margot Peskay Afridev 19.74554 72.42893 3m 4 Bearings,Gasket,3 Sentraliser,1 Flaper,1 Rod
26-Jul Port-Margot Anneau Afridev 19.74781 72.44776 3m 2 Sentraliser,4 Bearings,Gasket
26-Jul Port-Margot Gouy Dacier Afridev 19.76578 72.43892 2m 4 Bearings,Gasket,2 Rods,2 Bobing,1 Flaper,
26-Jul Port-Margot Lycee Nationale Afridev 19.76279 72.42534 3m 4 Sentraliser,Gasket,4 Bearings,1 Flaper,1 Bobing
27-Jul Plaine du Nord Iladan Afridev 19.65294 72.28011 4m 4 Rods,4 Sentraliser,2 Bearings,1 Flaper
27-Jul Plaine du Nord Ecole le bon Samaritain Afridev 19.68674 72.25054 4m Gasket,4 Bearings,2 Rods,2 PVC,1 Raccor,4 Sentraliser
27-Jul Acul du Nord Cagnette Afridev 19.70533 72.32013 4m 1 PVC,1 Rod,2 Sentraliser,
27-Jul Acul du Nord Dolce II Afridev 19.70771 72.33449 2m Gasket,3 Sentraliser,1 Bobing
27-Jul Acul du Nord Grand Jan Afridev 19.70349 72.33059 3m 4 Sentraliser,2 Bearings,1 Lock,2 Bolts
28-Jul Morne-Rouge Moustique Afridev 19.70637 72.28306 3m 1 Gasket,
28-Jul Acul du Nord Dolce MarkII 19.70628 72.33754 3m 4 Raccor,2 PVC,2 Rods,4 Bolts,Old Chaine
28-Jul Champ-Louise Enface Eglise Catholique MarkII 19.74735 72.34835 4m Old Chaine,4 Bolts,2 Raccor
28-Jul Champ-Louise Bas du Fout Afridev 19.74559 72.34794 3m 4 Sentraliser,1 PVC,1 Rod
28-Jul Champ-Louise Eglise du Christ MarkII 19.77336 72.35233 2m 4 Raccor,1 PVC,1 Rod
28-Jul Acul du Nord Bell-Hotesse Afridev 19.71559 72.34001 4m Gasket,5 Sentraliser,1 flaper,1 Lock
31-Jul Plaine du Nord Galoire II Afridev 19.66111 72.26989 3m Gasket,1 PVC,2 Rods,2 Sentraliser