Pump Replacement Projects
Latitude: -0.21586, Longitude: 34.83736
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Nduru School board of management do hereby write to appreciate the rehabilitation of their water well by Lifewater and Stada Kenya. We are proud that the well has a new face that adds hope to dependents that water will never be a problem. ---Community Leaders
Nduru Primary School well in Kisumu county supplies water to about a five hundred people, including students studying at the school. But for four months, the well was not functional as it had a broken hand pump. The students were forced to drink from unsafe sources. Thankfully, not anymore, because Lifewater funded the rehabilitation of the well, including installing a new hand pump. The students and the community at large are enjoying clean and safe water.
Well Depth: | 0 ft. | Turbidity: | |
Depth of Water: | 0.00 ft. | Water Colour: | |
Well Yield: | Water Odour: | ||
Screen Length: | 0.00 ft. | Taste: | |
Casing Diameter: | 0.00 in. | Nitrate: | |
Handpump: | Iron: | ||
Developed By: | pH: | ||
Development Time: | Bacti Test: | ||
Disinfection: |