Community Washroom
Latitude: 8.85066, Longitude: 8.12958
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The above-named church writes to thank Lifewater Canada for her effort in considering us as one of your benefactors. We are grateful for your support in the construction of two restrooms in our church.
May God Almighty continue to strengthen you for more good works. Amen.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Sabastine Ayande
My name is Mariam. For generations, the inhabitants of my community had grappled with a harsh reality: the indignity and dangers of open defecation. Women and children, particularly the vulnerable, were forced to seek privacy in the fields, exposed to the elements and the constant threat of disease. But amidst the dust and despair, a glimmer of hope emerged—the arrival of a toilet, a gift from Lifewater. Thank you so much for your assistance. May God bless you.