Community Washroom
Latitude: 8.85313, Longitude: 8.13028
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The executive council and members of our church appreciate Lifewater for your kind gesture in providing a toilet for the entire community. There are no words to express our gratitude for the fullness of joy that you have brought to the church through this project. We pray that the Lord will continue to increase and bless you in Jesus' name. -- Joseph Saje, Church Secretary
Rita Simon is from First Baptist Church Garaku where, because members had no toilet, open defecation was common. "We the members of First Baptist say a big thank you to Lifewater for coming to Garaku to build us a well-equipped toilet," Rita said. "There will be no more open defecation in the community and that will save residents from regularly treating infections that come from open defecation. God bless the Lifewater. We are grateful."